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Just Thinking.........Again

The Genius Club

Tuesday, December 30, 2008
A movie to rent.

Do you want to spend some time thinking about the world you live in?  Pick this movie up and find a quiet time to watch it.  I was in stunned silence after the movie.  The story line and actors are okay but the questions and answers left me with more to think about than I could handle. 


The premise is that the folks with the highest IQ are brought together in one night to solve the world's problems.  The villain has a nuke in the city and will detonate if they don't answer enough questions right.  The villain is the questioner, judge and scorekeeper. 


Here is their website:



Be warned that the trailer doesn't do this justice.


My take on this (should anyone care):


We all see the world's problems and think someone should do something about it.  Oh, we're not to blame.  The blame lies elsewhere, on the government, a political party, a religion, or some other entity.  We are all just trying to get through another day as easy as possible and maybe make a few bucks along the way.  But what have you done today to help someone else?  Have you done anything toward resolving one of the world's problems?  Someone said, "If you aren't part of the solution, you are part of the problem." 


We are concerned about war….or are we as long as it doesn't affect us.  We hate world hunger……especially when they show those starving kids on the TV commercials.  I don't like watching them, so I usually get up and get a snack.  Abortion?  It breaks my heart……. But what can I do?  Attacks on the family…… that comes real close to making me mad.  But as long as it doesn't hit too close to home, I don't pay much attention.


The list goes on.  The excuses get boring and tedious. 


I think as you examine these things in yourself, you get a good look at your worldview.  Every dollar we spend, every vote we cast, the car we drive, the Movie we watch, TV channel we turn to, the church we attend, words we speak, books we read, music we listen to, games we play, investments we stake, commitments we make, oaths we take, and laws we break all are a definition of who you are and what you approve of. 


In the end, it seems to boil down to the classic, "Who am I, where did I come from and where am I going?"  When you can answer these 3 questions, you will think about all those other things.


We are raising a generation that has been told they came from nothing, they are going to nothing and they aren't responsible for anything that happens in between.  But as a Christian we know where we came from, where we are going and we should be responsible for everything we do in between.


It's a good movie.

Give it a watch and drop a note on the comment line.  I mean it - drop me a comment - quit being shy.  I didn't want to resort to this but here goes…………… I triple dog dare ya!!!


Just thinking.


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