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Just Thinking.........Again

Are we a Christian nation?

Thursday, January 15, 2009
A new Barna poll says maybe not!

The Barna group has just released survey results on views of Christianity.  It turns out that half of the people surveyed see Christianity as just one of many choices in America.  Christianity is not the faith that Americans automatically accept or adhere to.  Forty four percent believe that Christianity is the faith of choice in America.  In case you're doing the math that leaves 6% who are not sure.  I'm not sure what they're not sure about……….. Not sure what a Christian is?  Not sure where America is?  Not sure what faith is?  I suspect they are not sure they even care.  Who knows?


Of those surveyed, 74% say that their faith is more important than ever in guiding them in the moral choices.  It appears we are becoming more spiritual but we are doing so without any real guideline.  There is no real definition as to what 'faith' is.  People may have more faith in Jesus Christ as their savior or they can have more faith in themselves.  The survey doesn't distinguish a difference. 


And finally, 71% of adults say they are likely to develop a personal set of beliefs than to accept a set of beliefs taught by a church.  This is probably the most telling and likely sheds light on the other two.  More people have a theological viewpoint but when pressed don't know for sure where it came from.  Have you ever heard anyone say…………."I don't care what the bible says, god just wouldn't do that."  It's happening all around us.  People don't care what the bible says and they create a god in their own mind that believes what they believe.  Their god is formed in their mind to have similar political, moral and religious views.  


We all have a tendency to do this.  We think God really hates what we hate but he is very loving, forgiving and understanding about my little insignificant sins.  Because of this we see a survey that says the majority of folks use their faith to guide their moral choices.  But how moral are the choices of a god formed in an immoral, unregenerated mind? 


What is your God like?   So many would start answering that question by saying, "God is all loving, all forgiving….etc."  Would you ever get around to saying He is all powerful and all knowing and that he is the ultimate just judge?  Most wouldn't.  Even a loving, forgiving god who has a morality that society agrees with, is still a false god if he was formed in your mind by your emotions and feelings.  Any god understood by anything other than the bible must be suspect - maybe not always false - but suspect.


So 50% of folks believe Christianity is one of many choices.  Why then do over 90% of folks use the label Christian?  It seems the term 'Christian' has been used, abused and misused to the point you can't imply any specific meaning.  Is it a stretch to say that in the deepest part of our beings we know we need to be identified with Jesus Christ?  I don't think so. 


So are we a Christian nation?  We will always be a nation founded on Christian principles.  That's the truth.  No amount of revisionism over any amount of time can change the truth.  Telling lies about history only makes a false following but doesn't alter the truth one iota. 


This is a nation founded on Christian principles but we have lost our way.  In general we are a nation that believes in ourselves.  We all grow up believing we are good; we can accomplish anything we put our minds to; we will always come out on top; we can have anything if you want it bad enough.  It's our self esteem, it's our ego………. It's our sinful hearts.   


So I contend that we must have a broken and contrite heart as the bible says.  It's not about me, my feelings or what I want my God to be like.  It is about the true God.  He is found in the bible.  He is the ancient of days, without beginning or end.  He is the creator.  We must put aside our egos and desires of the flesh and seek Him in Spirit and truth.   There may be a lot of things we don't understand or like about Him.  That is our problem, not His.  We all need to understand that.  As we grow closer to God we realize how awesome and mighty He is.  As we get a better picture of how big He is, we understand better how small we are.  Then we can appreciate all the more what He did for us when Jesus bore our sins on the cross and paid the fine we owed to the real God.    


What an incredible God we serve.


Please makes sure you know the right one.  Pick up your bible today.


The Barna article is here:




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