Just Thinking.........Again

By Faith You Stand

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Are you standing?

In 2 Corinthians 1:24 Paul said Not that we have dominion over your faith, but are fellow workers for your joy; for by faith you stand.

Paul had been accused of deciet and he defended his actions to the church in Corinth.  It was by the leading of the Spirit that Paul didn't come to them.  He didn't have dominion or authority over their faith.  As an apostle and their spiritual father he insisted on godly behavior and obedience to godly doctrine.  He gave them that apostolic kick in the seat when they needed it but he did it out of love.


In the end, Paul said, we're all in this together.  If you want to live a life where you're relying on men to live and act a certain way there will be misunderstanding.  You will be disappointed.  However, if you live a life to please God, then the Holy Spirit will guide you.  Then misunderstandings can be dealt with in faith  The end of verse 24 says 'for by faith you stand.'


These people in Corinth didn't have a problem because of anything Paul did or didn't do.  Their problem existed long before Paul.  He was being led by God in a ministry that took Him through this valley of death.  By his faith, he was standing.  In this misunderstanding, those in Corinth had gotten mad at Paul accusing him of being wishy washy.  By their faith, they stood, but they seemed to be standing more in a place on reliance of man.  Their faith seemed immature or weak.  When Paul had ealier thanked those who prayed for him I wonder how many looked away with a pang of guilt because they hadn't prayed for this apostle.  In fact, most hadn't given Paul's circumstances a thought.  They were more concerned with their own circumstances and feelings.


We see Paul's love for others in his concern for them and their well being.  It is an active love directed to those around him.  From the church of Corinth we seem to see an overall concern that hadn't matured to that point yet.  To put it bluntly they were self centered and their feelings had gotten hurt.  By faith you stand or by faith you fail to stand.  If you are failing to stand you can blame your Paul, God, your parents, teachers, or the school system.  The world and the things of the world will disappoint.  People will disappoint you, but God never will.  By faith you stand.


How is your faith?  Is Jesus Christ right in the center?  Is He the focal point of your life?  It's in Him we live and move and have our being.  This world and this life will knock you to the ground and kick you around.  You will find yourself in that valley of the shadow of death.  Is your faith healthy?  Are you able to stand?   By your faith you stand.
Pastor Doug

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