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1 Kings

1 Kings 8

The Ark brought into the Temple
Solomon's speech at completion of the Work
Solomon's Prayer of Dedication
Solomon Blesses the Assembly
Solomon Dedicates the Temple

1 Kings 8:1-13

The Temple was completed and Solomon waited another 11 months before bringing the ark there.  There may be several reasons for this.  The first may have been because he required the elders, priests and fathers there to take part in this.  The preparation took a lot of time for something so grand.  Clark states that Usher lists this year as the jubilee year.  So the eleven-month preparation would also lead them to Jubilee.  There may have been other reasons we aren't aware of. 

The Ark was in Jerusalem but the original tabernacle was in Gibeon.  Some believe there were two tabernacles at this point.  Either way the furnishings and the Ark were properly moved to the temple in conjuction with the dedication that took place during the Feast of Booths, or tabernacles.  Someone apparently looked into the Ark.  This didn't go well last time it happened.  The ark had only the tablets of the law in it, the jar of manna and Aaron's rod was no longer there.  As the Ark was moved into the Holy of Holies, the poles were left in the ark.  These may have acted as a guide for the priest when entering the dark place.  The Glory of the Lord (Shekinah) then filled the house. 


1 Kings 8:14-21

This wasn't an opportunity to glorify David or Solomon but all glory wen to the Lord and Solomon brought that before the people.  This temple was built because God spoke it to David and then fulfilled it.  Solomon also recalls the deliverance from Egypt even though it had been five hundred years previous.  This is fascinating that they are holding fast to the promises of God and recognizing God's faithfulness.  This is especially noteworthy in America where we only coming up on two hundred and fifty years old, yet we have so little respect for our founding fathers, our heritage and the history of this nation in the making.


1 Kings 8:22-53

Solomon offers the prayer of dedication; he starts standing and finshes on his knees.  He is before the altar with his hands raised to God.  He claims the promises God gave him and his fathers.  Repeatedly we see that if you follow Him or if you seek him with a repentant heart that he will bless you.  It is interesting to note that this was the king offering this prayer and leading them in this dedication and sacrifice.  Imagine what kind of country we would have today if the president took a stand like this. 

Solomon's prayer claimed the promise of the Son of David to be on the throne.  The ultimate fulfillment of this will be when Jesus rules from that throne.  This is in essence praying, 'thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as in heaven.' 

Yet, Solomon knew this temple couldn't house God, for God inhabited all of His creation and all of heavenlies.  But he asked God to honor the people who would come there to meet him and confess their sins, offer prayer and worship.  He offers examples of when they might come before God seeking Him and then offers a summary in verses thirty-eight through forty.  It was a request that God would hear any prayer originating from a heart that recognized its own flaw.  And God alone could see the heart and know them and forgive, act and give accordingly.


1 Kings 8:54-66

Solomon makes note to all the people of God's unfailing word.  What He says, He has accomplished.  We must constantly be reminded of this because we fail and grow weary from sin.  It won't be very long at all before Solomon forgets his own words and begins to compromise and allow a place for sin. 

Solomon calls for obedience and living a life in the ways called for by the Lord.  Not only will these ways be right in their pattern causing a blessing but God would also bless the obedience in other ways.  The obedience of the children was a show of love and respect to the Father. 

Solomon sacrificed 22,000 bulls and 120,000 sheep at the dedication.  This is an incredible amount of work for the priests; each one sacrificed and prepared and placed on the altar.  The logistics of this caused them to extend the area of sacrifice outside to the outer court.  The normal feast of one week was extended to two.


©2016 Doug Ford