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1 Chronicles

1 Chronicles 10

Tragic End of Saul and His Sons

1 Chronicles 10:1-7

The first fourteen verses parallel 1 Samuel 31:1-14. The Philistines were the primary enemy of Israel in this day. They had pressed inland towards Mount Gilboa, which is 25 miles soutwest of the Sea of Galilee. This Philistines had become strong and Saul had not kept them in check. They pursued Saul with the intent of overtaking him and his army. Johnathon was killed along with two other sons of Saul. Johnathon was a very close friend to David, who mourned his death (seen in 2 Samuel 1:17-27). In Saul's fear of becoming a prisoner of the Philistines, he fell on his own sword. The armor bearer didn't wan to be responsible for the death of the anointed king, even though he would also lose his life. An Amalekite takes credit for killing Saul thinking he would win points with David in doing so. David subsequently executed the man for killing Saul (2 Samuel 1:14-16).

Upon seeing the death of Saul and his sons, the Israelites fled and the Philistines took control of their cities. This marked the end of Saul's reign as king and opened the door for the beginning of David's reign.


1 Chronicles 10:8-14

Saul's body was discovered among the slain. This was big news to the Philistines at home; Saul's head and his armor was sent back as proof of the victory. The celebration essentially made the claim that their god had overcome the God of Israel.

Jabesh Gilead was the town that Saul had saved from the Ammonites in 1 Samuel 11:1-11. They were faithful followers of Saul and they recovered the bodies frrom the wall at Beth Shan (1 Sam 31:12-13) and attempted to give them a proper burial.

Verses thirteen and fourteen make it clear why Saul died. He was unfaithful in not keeping God's word. This was evident in 1 Samuel 13:8-23 when Saul made sacrifices himself instead of waiting for Samuel as he was told. He also sought the counsel of a medium instead of seeking God.

©2016 Doug Ford