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2 Chronicles

2 Chronicles 14

The Reforms of Asa

2 Chronicles 14:1-8

Asa succeeds his father, Abijah. The Chronicler gives a more detailed account of Asa than the parallel account in 1 Kings 15:9-24. The "good and right" of verse two is moral uprightness as outlined by God. Asa instigated reform to purify their worship and follow their God the way He outlined. The worship of many of these foreign gods came about during Rehoboam's reign (2 Chron 12:1). Asa seemed to understand that the peace and prosperity were gifts from God that come from obedience and faithfulness.


2 Chronicles 14:9-11

It's hard to fathom a million man army at any time, but in those days to feed, clothe, equip, house, outfit with weapons and move them had to be vast undertaking. The hebrew is literally a thousand thousands and may be a more general term. Either way, it's unclear who Zerah was but he was a prominent force during this time. Mareshah is south of Jerusalem; this is where these armies face off. Asa is vastly outgunned; yet he understands God doesn't need superior numbers or weapons to win. Asa simply states that their future was in the hands of God; as it always was and it always is. These moments help clarify those truths.


2 Chronicles 14:12-15

God responded to the prayer by striking the Ethiopians; this was a sudden affliction of some sort. It's God fighting the battle for Asa and his men. Asa then went in pursuit the Ethiopians and decimated this army to the point they could not recover. The city of Gerar is in the Negev region of southern Judah.

©2017 Doug Ford