Just Thinking.........Again

Odds and ends

Saturday, February 28, 2009
I'm not thinking much today.
It's dreary and rainy here in East Tennessee.  On one hand it's easy to get bummed out and feel cooped up on a dreary day like this.  On the other hand, we need days like this for quiet time, slowing down, reflection and naps.  I skipped the nap and listened to a couple podcasts from Mike McIntosh.  I went to the treatdmill and didn't make it far, no energy, blah.  So I came back to my trusty computer and did a little writing before sitting down to a delicious meal of a Taco Bell Grande' and a grilled chicken burrito....... good stuff!!  I had four Rolaids for dessert. 


I was thinking some about the first 100 days we keep hearing about.  I guess our new president is closing in on his first 50 and he hasn't slowed down yet.  He really is doing a lot, I'm kind of dissapointed in the things he's doing.  His entire career and life will likely be remembered by how he is graded on his first 100 days.  Our culture and the world we live in is pretty quick to find ways to judge others.  But how would you like to be judged?  Now I realize someone is screaming at their computer that we aren't suppose to judge others because the bible says not to.  Judge not, lest you be judged.  But this is a misunderstanding of that verse.  We make judgements every day based on what we see going on around us.  We made judgements about our spouse before we were married, that was fair wasn't it.  We make judgments on whether we like to hang around certain people.  Likewise, we judge our leadership by their fruit.  We are fruit inspectors and when someone's fruit is rotten we should understand how that affects us.  Ignoring bad fruit and accepting it out of politcal correctness is crazy.  What we shouldn't judge is the heart.  That is God's job.  He alone can see the intent of the heart.  So how would you judge yourself on your first 100 days of this year?  Have you grown in holiness?  Are you overflowing with grace and compassion?  Have you been giving of your time and money to those in need?  Have you fed on the word of God daily, without excuse?


I had a meeting with Eric at the church today.  We began to discuss our role in the church and supporting the pastor.  It is amazing how much work there is around church.  Besides the obvious ministry opportunities of teaching, worship, greeting, nursery, middle school church and childrens church there are hundreds of other things.  Someone needs to make sure others are comfortable, the bathrooms are clean and functional, the heat or air is on/off, the coffee is made and there are cups available.  Others take out the garbage, tend the lights, create bulletins, deliver announcements and mop up spills.  Counseling with others is usually left to the pastor but we can listen to others and have compassion for them.  We can listen and pray with them and for them.  What is your role in the church?  God has shown His grace to you when He saved you, are you showing that grace to others?  When you leave church have you taken something with you or left something behind?  Ask yourself that next time you go to church.  Don't get me wrong.  If you are a new Christian or still seeking him you should go to church and feel free to take.  There is nothing wrong with that.  But at some point in your walk you need to start giving back.  You do this by ministering to others in some way.  It doesn't have to be anything big and flashy.  No one should have to pat you on the back.   Do you have the heart of a servant?  


I could throw some statistics at you but what it boils down to is that most people go to church, sing, listen, and go home.  It is a small minority that keep it functioning.  If you aren't serving in some way, I hope you will give it some thought.  It is a tremendous blessing. 





Pray for someone today.  The prayers of the saints are pleasing to the Lord.   We can never underestimate the effect of the direct access we have to the throne of God.  This is amazing!!  We can go boldly before the One who made it all, knows it all and is holding it all together and ask for anything.  The intercessory prayer is especially powerful.  Put someone's name before the throne of God today.  Ask Him to bless them and keep them. 




Just thinking randomly today (like that's somethings different).




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