Just Thinking.........Again

Did the Shack cause a crack?

Friday, April 3, 2009
Can a book really divide the Church?

It seems no matter where you look or what direction you turn you run into The Shack.  There have been a bazillion reviews of the book and they range from one end of the spectrum to the other.  By some, this book is the greatest thing since flush toilets and others believe it was penned by the inspiration of Satan himself.  The truth is likely somewhere in the middle.  However, I don't want to spend time discussing the good and the bad of the book but the reactions to the book.  


I am amazed how the book has cause such a division in the church.  Some professed Christians swoon over this book and say it has changed their life.  They say the book spoke to them, there was a connection to their life and it made them feel good.  The book has the ability to connect too many people (possibly all) who read it.  Those folks who have read it tell everyone they need to read it also.


On the other side of the isle are those who see the treatment of God in this book as blasphemous.  They say the gospel message is profaned.  The overall affect of the book is considered heretical by these folks.  Their opinion is no good can come from this book and folks who read it and then promote it are putting people's souls in danger.


I hope these are fair evaluations of both sides.  The positions are diametrically opposed and there are very few people in the middle or indifferent.  So what is it about this book that can drive a wedge into the church?  This little book seems to have had the power to divide churches and families.  It doesn't seem to be losing much momentum either. 


I guess one of the questions that must be answered is, "Why are you reading?"  Are you reading for entertainment value or knowledge?  If you are reading for entertainment, then there are many good fiction books that will entertain you.  Read away, enjoy, after the last page, you put it on the shelf.  It's much like going to a movie or watching a TV show.  When it's over, it's done, and it doesn't change your life.


If you are reading for knowledge what do you look for?  A book would have to be about a topic that interests you, it would have to be written by someone you respect (sometimes you decide this as you read),   If you are reading a book about building up your faith you might require the book to be God honoring.  On the other hand, information can be gained by reading of topics you don't agree with.  As in, reading Mein Kampf, written by Adolph Hitler, doesn't make mean you agree with him.  Sometimes reading things we don't agree with educate and solidify our beliefs.


So, with that said, what category does this book fall in?  It is classified as fiction.  Yet people aren't reading it for fiction and putting it on the shelf.  It is being read, written about, testified about, and testified against and on and on, ad nauseam.  This book seems to be one of those that cross the lines.  It entertains, if causes deep feelings, it connects to people in a lasting way and folks form lasting opinions about it.  It uses words and word pictures to represent God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit and speaks of the church.  Maybe that is part of what is causing confusion.  As a culture, are we ignorant of bible knowledge and do we create our theology from TV, movies and books instead of the bible?


Matthew 16:17-18 says:

17 Jesus answered and said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. 18 And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.


Peter had made his profession of faith to Jesus and on this profession the church of Jesus Christ would be build.  When that church was built, even the gates of Hell would not prevail against it.  I see that verse and feel encouraged because no matter how much our churches struggle, the world and the evil of this world won't overcome the church if we remain the church of Jesus Christ.


So how does this little book come along and cause so much division?  There are a few things that Christians of different denominations or backgrounds tend to avoid.  They used to be things like the rapture, predestination, total depravity, gifts of the spirit and a few others.  Recently the list has gotten longer.  You can't talk about the bible versions, inherency of scripture, Calvinism vs. Armenianism, the divinity of Christ, the Trinity and so on.  Now as we enter the Post Shack era we need to avoid talking about this book.


As Christians, I think we need to be so adamant about putting Jesus Christ first in all things.  If something is causing division among God's people, it seems like a big cosmic alarm should be going off warning us.  Sometimes putting Christ first doesn't 'feel' good to us - in fact it is downright painful at times.  Nearly every defender of The Shack speaks of how it makes them 'feel'.  My feelings deceive me all the time.  I don't trust them.  I have to have truth to hold on to because my heart and feelings will lead me astray.


The thing that bothers me most as we get past The Shack controversy is what will be next?  What will be the next thing that will make us feel warm and content?  There are many teachings that tell us to just relax, quit worrying about sin and hell and all that stuff.  That kind of thinking is rehashed New Age that teaches you to just make yourself happy, your happiness is found within, you are your own god, and on and on, blah, blah, blah. 


As a Christian should we remember what we believe?  Do we grasp these solid truths and cast off everything else that hinders us?  I listened to a teaching by Warren Smith who used to be deep into the occult and new Age teaching.  He sees so much of what is happening in the world as progressive attacks against humanity and faith.   We are slowly being lured into accepting the evil things of the world and as we go the view of God is modified to a lower more acceptable god to fallen humans.  Make a quick list of all the TV shows and movies that involve super heroes, humans with super powers, witchcraft, vampires and evil.  It's a big list that ranges from Harry Potter to Bewitched to Twilight. 


Are we being conditioned?  Are we being led astray slowly?  Do we accept more and more evil into our lives every day? What's the first thing you hear when you take a stand based on your beliefs?  Radical!  Fanatic!  Fundy!  Intolerant!  


I think we need to be more and more discerning in these last days.  Romans 16:17-18 says:


17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them. 18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech deceive the hearts of the simple.



Whether you read The Shack or the next big breakthrough book, read with caution.  When you watch the next big movie, do it with caution.  When you listen to your pastor, do with your bible open.  If anything causes division in the church the least we should do is avoid it and in some cases we should throw it out or run to the nearest exit.


Just thinking.


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