Just Thinking.........Again


Friday, May 1, 2009
Beware of the highly addictive nature of the latest media blitz.

For about 20 minutes yesterday I got sucked into the news coverage of the swine flu.  I shut the motel TV off on the way out the door as we were going to the evening session of the Pastor's conference.  As I was updating the others in our group I realized how close I had come to being addicted to the coverage of the swine flue.  For some reason I'm susceptible to these addictions.  I had a bad one a few elections back - It was "The Hanging Chad coverage" addiction.  It cost me many hours of wasted time watching, waiting….. waiting, watching…. Hoping for something new.  When the news got old, I settled for speculation by experts.  When they got old, I would even consider 'man on the street' interviews just to get a new opinion.  I left the TV on all night on Foxnews.  I thought the controversy would end in hours.  Then it went to days and days and days.  Actually I don't think it ever went away, people finally just got sick of it.  I survived ...... so did the TV.

Operation Desert storm was the first time this ugly addiction reared its head in my life.   I had 'screen in screen' on my TV with CNN and Foxnews with Favorites set on a couple other channels.  I was a pathetic sight and was completely unaware that as time went on I was beginning to feel camaraderie with the news anchors.  Every since that first addiction, I've learned to recognize the warning signs and hit the power button before it's too late.  It's hard because they hook me and just real me in with one teaser after another of the news that that just broke; the latest report or another expert opinion.  Then before I know it I've been sitting in front of the tube for umpteen hours just hoping upon hope that there would be an update and yet knowing it will come five minutes after I shut off the TV.   I end up seeing the same report given from every imaginable angle along with every reasonable speculation.  Then after many hours of no news the experts are marched in.  These are the guys and gals that have some connection that pick at the reasonable speculations and put forth some unreasonable ones just to freshen things up.

The point is, I'm getting the feeling that this is just another news frenzy run amuck.  I know that doesn't make this flu any less real to those have been touched by it.  My prayers go out to those who have lost loved ones or who might be sick.  Sick is sick and our prayers will do more than the media blitz.

How about some perspective?  On Friday the CDC confirmed 331 cases of the swine flu, up from 257 on Thursday……that's worldwide.  Did you know that 250,000 to 500,000 people die worldwide every year from the common flu; over 35,000 of these in the United States?  They didn't mention this on the news I was watching.  Even the VP said that we should consider avoiding planes, trains and automobiles.  They said they were setting up triage centers in California in preparation.

About 430 schools have closed in America to contain this virus or at least allay the fear.  The fear was this flu would spread rapidly and grow out of control and how awful it would be and on and on and on.  Now, they are saying it may not be as bad as they originally thought.  One report said this wasn't even the swine flue; it had nothing to do with the swine.  (This could be the result of the defamation suit brought some disgruntled pigs).  

What's the truth?  I don't know but it doesn't seem to be quite as bad reported earlier.  However, none of the TV channels will cover the story of the panic and fear they've spread in sensationalizing the story.  They will spin the story into good coverage, education and preparation. 

One hundred and fifty people have died in Mexico and one in the United States.  No amount of coverage would have changed that or will help those folks in any way.  In fact, I'm betting fifteen TV crews with up and coming anchors ran down there to get the story and flew back to report it to you. Wouldn't that be interesting to find that the Media not only spread panic but they also spread the virus?

There were 2 purposes in writing this blog.

  1. It made me feel better - it was very therapeutic.
  2. To reinforce the fact that we live in a fallen world.


Death and disease came to the world through sin.  We don't know if this virus is the one that will go all over the world and touch every life or another one next week.  We should take care of our health; eat well, exercise, wash your hands, etc.  But, more importantly we should have a healthy spirit.  We all have 100% chance of dying, we need to have assurance that we are born again (read John 3). 

I suggest a time limit on news coverage.  Get the update then shut the tube off and read your bible.  You will find good news that says you don't have to place all your hope in this world, the doctors, the experts or anything else.  You can place your trust in a risen savior who paid for your sins by dying on a cross.  When you receive the good news of Jesus Christ, the bad news of the world seems much less harsh.  When you repent of your sins and trust in Him you are no longer a citizen of earth, but just passing through on your way to heaven. 


Matthew 6:34

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.


(For extra credit: "Therefore" is a conclusion - what was Matthew concluding?)



Just Thinking


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