Just Thinking.........Again

Still Thinking

Sunday, June 28, 2009
after a long pause.
Okay, so I've been on hiatus for a few weeks.  It's not that I stopped thinking and therefore had nothing to write about.  It's that I've had so much on my plate and on my mind that I haven't been able to sort it out.  Isn't it amazing how life can just be cruising along when all of a sudden you get about 3 wicked curve balls all at once.  The thing about curve balls (and the reason I was never very good at hitting them) is that they will fool you.  It looks like the pitch is coming at you, you begin to bail out, your weight shifts back on your heals and suddenly the pitch breaks.  It's right across the plate and you are in no position to do anything about it. 


Since I started this corny sports analogy, I'll go one step further and say, the thing about being covered by grace is you get all the strikes you need.  The loving-kindness of God lets you stay in the game.  I've had a couple curve balls lately.  I've been rocked back on my heels and wondering what happened.  I thought I was prepared for anything that came my way.  However, when the unexpected comes we find out how really prepared we are. 


Life is full of the unexpected.  When we are walking in the Spirit we are on a great adventure.  We really never know when God will test us or allow a new experience in our life.  Regardless of appearance and the deception of feelings, God has our best interest at heart.  His word spoke to me this morrning from Acts where Paul is preaching to the Greeks about their unknown God.........


Acts 17:26-28

26 And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, 27 so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; 28 for in Him we live and move and have our being.


Although I know the Lord I still find myself groping for Him from time to time.  Like a small child in the dark we sometimes find ourselves lost and crying out to Him.  That's okay.  Keep groping and searching and when you find Him again you will be that much closer and know Him that much better.  He is never far away - He promised us that.  It's our sinful nature, insecurities and lack of faith that creates distance between us and God.  When we put those things aside we find that He really is near.  In Him, we live and move and have our being.  Without Him, we have no life, there is no movement or growth and we find no fullfillment in life.  We are searching and never finding.  A statement was made this week about Michael Jackson.  This person said that Michael was always trying to find himself but he never did.  That's so sad.  He apparently never really knew a life with God where he could live and move and have his being.  I pray he found it before the end.


I wish I could spot these curve balls coming before I react to them.  I wish I was better at dealing with the changes and surprises that life brings.  Maybe that's why God allows them, as training and preparation for the next.  All we can do is trust in Him and keep seeking him, holding on tight, groping for Him when we've lost our grip and encouraging each other in our fellowships.


If you are alone in dealing with the curve balls in your life, you are at a disadvantage.  You need a fellowship to hold you up, friends to listen to you and a pastor to teach you the word of God.   


Still Just Thinking.


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